Published August 2, 2023

Real Axe Creates an Immersive AR Game for Singapore Zoo’s Golden ZOObilee

Real Axe, renowned for its expertise in experiential technology like augmented reality (AR), has joined forces with Mandai Wildlife Group to introduce an innovative AR game for Singapore Zoo’s Golden ZOObilee celebrations. By seamlessly merging digital content with the real world, visitors can enjoy an interactive and mesmerizing experience like never before. From virtual helicopters to bursting fireworks, the AR game elevates the celebration, making it an unforgettable event for all attendees.

Written by Jasmine

Published April 26, 2023

Genki Sushi’s Jumbo Carnival Campaign Goes Innovative with Real Axe’s AR Game Creation

Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us, and Real Axe is at the forefront of this innovation. Recently, we had the pleasure of partnering with Genki Sushi to create an AR game that helped promote their new Jumbo Carnival campaign. Our AR game allowed customers to engage with the campaign in a fun and interactive way, making the campaign a huge success for Genki Sushi. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the AR game we created for Genki Sushi and how it helped their Jumbo Carnival campaign stand out.

Written by Jasmine

Published February 7, 2023

Take Your Product Packaging to the Next Level with Augmented Reality

Packaging is no longer just a fixed physical product. It can now be a gateway for new experiences, new ways to tell brand stories, to connect with and educate customers. With augmented reality for packaging, you can enhance your marketing campaign with all sorts of digital content, from text and graphics to videos, animations, and interactive games. Exploring the world of Interactive Packaging will step up your marketing to the next level, with all new Digital Solutions that will enable you to place your content directly into the consumers hands. Interested to know more? Have a chat with our expert Today!

Written by Jasmine