Published December 1, 2022

6 Innovative and Fun Examples of Augmented Reality in Marketing

Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality (MR) has seen huge growth over the past few years and is increasingly adopted by advertisers to create engaging experiential campaigns. Consumers are more and more open to augmenting their world with useful content, information, and offers while establishing deep emotional connections with brands. That is why we at Real Axe, we aim to bring more than just AR or MR technology to you. Our mission is to produce the best, most creative, and most effective AR and MR marketing campaigns. To transform the way people, interact with their surroundings to incorporate advanced and interactive technologies into their everyday retail. In this blog post, you will get to see the best marketing campaign examples using AR and MR. Interested to know how you can use Mixed Reality or Augmented Reality experiences for unique consumer experiences and shift your retail towards a digital-first business model? Have a chat with our expert Today!

Written by Jasmine

Published November 23, 2022

The 6 Benefits of Using Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality in Marketing

Integrating AR and MR technology is to embed and embody marketing content in a customer environment. Alternatively, it can be thought of as a marketing or sales strategy that allows brands to help consumers interact with them and make smarter purchasing decisions and reduce returns. In this article, we explore the 6 benefits of AR and MR in marketing campaigns. Furthermore, our latest solution, MR.retail, brings more than just mixed reality or augmented reality technology to you. Our mission is to product the best, most creative, and most effective AR and MR marketing campaigns. To transform the way people, interact with their surroundings to incorporate advanced and interactive technologies into their everyday retail. Interested to know how you can use Mixed Reality or Augmented Reality experiences for unique consumer experiences and shift your retail towards a digital-first business model? Have a chat with our expert Today!

Written by Jasmine

Published November 3, 2022

CEO of NPN, Speaks at FLAsia 2022 on How to Succeed in the New Digital Era of Retail with AR and MR Technologies

In the post-Covid-19 period, the retail industry is hugely impacted. The global economy is also likely to enter a recession, while business expenses like labour cost and supply chain continue to rise. How can we help the retail industry to increase profit through new technologies and novel concepts? Read on as we share more on AR and MR technologies that will get you ready for the new digital era of retail.

Written by Jasmine

Published October 11, 2022

Mixed Reality in Retail – Singapore Updated Retail ITM 2025 Encourages Innovation

On 7th October 2022, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling launched the Retail Industry Transformation Map 2025 at the official opening of Castlery’s flagship store. SINGAPORE’S updated industry transformation map (ITM) for the retail sector will help Singapore brands go abroad, encourage new experiential concepts, position the country as a lifestyle hub for global brands, and groom local talent for quality jobs. This calls for NPN latest retail solution MR.retail (Mixed Reality) aim to encourage new experiential concept in the retail industry by delivering interactive and captivating MR/AR immersive experiences for their consumers. Allowing the real and virtual world to interconnect to mutually reflect and influence each other to enhance end-user and customer engagement that leaves an everlasting impression on your customers. Stay ahead in the retail game with MR.retail (Mixed Reality) solution. Interested to know how you can use Mixed Reality experiences for unique consumer experiences and shift your retail towards a digital-first business model? Have a chat with our MR expert!

Written by Jasmine

Published July 7, 2022

5 Reasons Why Augmented Reality (AR) Technology Isn’t Mainstream Yet

Why hasn’t Augmented (AR) Technology become a mainstream despite decades of existence? One of the most trending forms of digital transformation in retail tech today, the Augmented Reality (AR) Technology is not a new concept but it had remained relatively less-ventured until Mark Elliot Zuckerberg ushered in the Metaverse concept by renaming Facebook to Meta in 2021. In this article, we seek to understand the difficulties faced and summarized our conclusion into the following 5 reasons. With the development of hardware and software technology, we foresee AR Technology to be the next level of digital transformation and will inevitably gain wider use in retail tech. Perhaps the much-anticipated Apple AR Glasses will be the next window of opportunity. To know more about how our digital transformation and retail tech solutions can help your business, visit us at

Written by Li Peng Fei

Published June 22, 2022

How Can Augmented Reality (AR) Technology Enhance Your Retail Business?

The COVID pandemic rocked the world in many aspects. Besides the health risks, we have also witnessed the rapid digital transformation of businesses as most retail businesses fought for survival by bringing their businesses online. This resulted in an irreversible change as the convenience of shopping online stays permanently. We strongly believe that the next level of digital transformation is in Augmented Reality (AR) Technology, where it has the potential to restore the glory of physical retail shoppers. Read in this article on how Augmented Reality (AR) Technology can help traditional offline retailers improve the retail experiences of consumers.

Written by Li Peng Fei