Published April 19, 2024 by

Written by Claud
Claud Tan

Experiential Marketing Sharing Session to SMEs

Real Axe, an experiential technology solution from NPN, was honored to get invited to a SMEs sharing session by Ngee Ann Poly. NPN CEO, Li PengFei and Business Development Manager, Gordon Loh shared how experiential technology could help in their marketing campaign.

What is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential Marketing is marketing campaign that focuses on engaging consumers by inviting them to participate in memorable and immersive brand experiences. There are proven studies show that experiential marketing have great engagement and leave an lasting impression to the audience. Virtual experience is one of experiential marketing that brand could integrate into their marketing campaign. Technology such as AI, AR and volumetric videos that developed by Real Axe able to bring branding game to another level.

SMEs learning from sharing session

In the sharing session, Gordon has shared multiple experiential technology study cases that done by Real Axe.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Image to Image
  • Voice to Image
  • Draw to Image

Augmented Reality (AR)

  • AR Packaging for gamification & education journey
  • AR Business card
  • AR Gamification
  • Virtual Try-On

Volumetric Video

  • 3D Model

Interactive Screen

  • Kiosks
  • Projector

Each solution cater to different engagement activities that brands would like to bring to their audience. For example, AR solutions are suitable for tech savvy younger audience as it required a smartphone to scan surroundings to activate the solutions while interactive screens are more straightforward interaction but requires sizeable space for execution. 

In the sharing session, SMEs have the opportunity too experience each solutions of the latest experiential technology advancement and get to know the potential of experiential marketing. In today competitive business landscape, SMEs could not afford to invest on costly and inefficient marketing initiatives. Real Axe understands SMEs challenges and tailor affordable, agile and accessible Experience as a Service (EaaS) model for SMEs to adopt the technology into their marketing campaign. 

There are different plans for SMEs to pick from according to their budget and we always welcome you to contact us if you have any enquiries.