Published June 4, 2024 by

Written by Claud
Claud Tan

Navigating May 2024 Experiential Products & Campaigns

In todays’ digital age, innovative and engaging marketing campaigns are essential for brands to stand out. To stand out, brands can make use of experiential marketing such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AR (Augmented Reality). Below are three campaigns that stand out on May 2024 that demonstrate the power of experiential technology in marketing campaigns.

KFC Generative AI Campaign

KFC is known for its fun and creative marketing. This year, they integrated generative AI to launch their saucy nuggets with 5 different sauces at Chicago. Generative AI is a tool that use advanced algorithms to create unique and eye-catching visuals. With the launch of new Meta’s AI feature, KFC encourage people to utilize it to produce chicken nuggets with fingers image.

As AI-generated images are dysfunctional in general, the images are striking and somewhat controversial with a hand of multiple fingers. The image is playfully aligning with KFC “finger-lickin’ good” slogan that they have used for years. “The more fingers you have… the more fingers you can lick”, the fried chicken chain wrote in their social media post. All strange but interesting images got a lot of attention on social media, boosting KFC’s brand visibility.

Singtel and Samsung’s AI Driven Wedding Campaign

Singtel and Samsung joined forces to create the “AI DO” campaign, a heartwarming initiative centered around Chinese custom wedding advertisement. In the video, the initiative centered around Chinese custom wedding advertisement. In the video, the parents are using AI Live Translation from Samsung gadgets to break the language barriers. It celebrates cultural traditions which resonate deeply with audience while showcasing cutting-edge technology.

This conversation made possible with AI processing happen on device itself, ensuring the translation process faster and more secure processing. With techniques such as “knowledge distillation” and “quantization”, which simplify and optimize the AI models on-device use. Not only that, Samsung devices practice deep learning AI translation model which allows the system to continuously improve from time to time. 

Real Axe’s AR Enhanced NUH Pledge Gamification

Real Axe took pledge practice to new heights with integration of AI and AR gamification into National University Hospital’s (NUH) campaign. NUH would like to encourage participants to actively commit to healthier practices. With AR gamification developed by Real Axe, pledge taking is becoming more exciting, engaging and significantly increasing participation and brand interaction.

This gamification features a unique gesture-recognition AI technology where it can recognize participants in performing a pledge gestures, which could triggers AR filters align with chosen health pledge. This dynamic interaction enhance the sense of engagement and could becomes a conversation starter among participants, thereby amplifying the campaign’s reach.


At Real Axe, we specialize in harnessing AI and AR to create unforgettable experiences. Our expertise in AI and AR allows us to design campaigns that not only captivate but also connect deeply with your audience. By integrating creative campaigns with interactive technology, we ensure that your brand stands out and delivers a memorable user experience.

Experiential campaigns from May 2024 shown above have demonstrated how AI and AR technology could make campaigns more engaging and resonating well with audience. As we look ahead, experiential technology in marketing will continue growing. It is the best opportunity for brands to connect with their audiences in meaningful in today digital landscape. Marketers are encouraged to adopt these technologies to stand out and stay relevant to audience.

If you are ready to elevate your marketing efforts, contact Real Axe today. Let us help you create immersive experiences that leave a lasting and engaging campaigns that your audience will love.